Board Work Session Update

At the Board of Education work session held on September 2, construction and maintenance planning were discussed. Superintendent Jason Enix also gave an update on the new building project and ongoing punch out list items that need to be completed. The Board also discussed the fenceline bordering Thurnridge. A virtual meeting hosted by the architects and the district with Thurnridge residents is scheduled for September 28 to review issues and gather feedback.

Mr. Enix also shared the district's strategic planning now that the district has come together in the new building. The Board will be interviewing two organizations to lead these efforts and select one at the regular September meeting. The timeline/goal for completion of the plan is December 2020.

Click on the link below to review the Superintendent's presentation and the additional topics discussed at the meeting. There is also a link to the Treasurer's presentation about the district's finances.

Superintendent's Report 9/2/20

Treasurer's Report 9/2/20