McTeacher Night

McDonald’s Franchisee Kilroy Family McDonald’s presented their donation of $550 to Reading Elementary’s PTO for the participation in McTeacher’s Night at Reading McDonald’s. This year’s McTeacher’s Night was held on February 7, from 4PM-6PM and had a record turnout and the largest donation the franchise has ever given out. This event is held every school year where teachers from Reading Elementary sell cookies donated by the Reading McDonald’s, participate in different jobs around the restaurant, and help serve up delicious McDonald’s to all the families who come to support. A video recap of the evening can be found here. 
Thank you to Franchise Owner Michael Kilroy who presented the donation of $550 to PTO Board Members, Mary
Zander and Amy Dryer, and Reading Elementary Principal Susan Fraley.  Next year’s McTeacher Night will be announced after the beginning of the 2023-2024 School Year.