Reading Schools Receives Prestigious Auditor's Award For Second Consecutive Year

Auditor of State Keith Faber proudly announced that Reading Community Schools received the prestigious Auditor of State Award for the second consecutive year. This accolade is given to entities that demonstrate exemplary financial management practices and accountability.

Around 6,000 institutions are considered annually for the award, but less than 8% meet the stringent standards set forth by the Auditor's office. Among the vast array of entities statewide, only a small fraction of school districts earned this distinguished recognition.

Reading Community Schools' consistent adherence to financial regulations and best practices earned them this distinguished recognition once again.

Treasurer Jen Burke, Accountant Janie Harris, and Payroll and Benefits Specialist Kelly Feld ensured the school district's financial integrity and compliance. Their diligent efforts contribute significantly to Reading Schools' continued success.

The criteria for receiving the Auditor of State Award remains rigorous:

- Timely submission of financial reports to the Auditor of State's office via the Hinkle System and adherence to GAAP.

- Absence of findings for recovery, material citations, material weakness, significant deficiencies, Uniform Guidance (Single Audit) findings, or questioned costs in the audit report.

- No comments in the management letter regarding ethics referrals, questioned costs below the Uniform Guidance threshold, late submission of annual financial reports, bank reconciliation issues, failure to obtain a timely Single Audit per Uniform Guidance, findings for recovery under $500, or any other financial or operational concerns.

Entities meeting these standards are recognized for their commitment to transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility.