Curriculum » Gifted Learners

Gifted Learners

The Reading Community City School District uses a variety of identification tools to determine giftedness. These tools ensure equitable identification from all student groups and accurately identify all students for giftedness.

RCCDS identifies students as gifted in the following four areas:

  • Superior Cognitive
  • Specific Academic Ability (mathematics, reading/writing, social studies, and science)
  • Creative Thinking
  • Visual and Performing Arts
Gifted Education
Gifted Identification: All public schools in Ohio identify gifted students per the Ohio Revised Code and the Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Children. Reading Community School District identifies children in grades kindergarten through twelve, who may be gifted in one or more of the following areas: exceptionally high IQ; exceptionally high academic ability in math, science, reading, writing, and/or social studies; exceptional creative thinking ability; and/or exceptional artistic and musical talent.
For identification purposes, we use instruments approved by the State for screening, assessment, and identification of children who are gifted. Our written plan for the screening, assessment, and identification of children who are gifted includes the following:
  • The criteria and methods the district uses to screen and select children for further assessment;
  • The sources of assessment data the district uses to select children for further testing;
  • An explanation of the methods the district uses to ensure equal access to screening and further assessment of all district children;
  • An opportunity for parents to appeal decisions about the results of any screening procedure or assessment, the scheduling of children for assessment, or the placement of a student in any program;
  • Two opportunities a year for assessment of children recommended by teachers or parents (fall and spring).
The district ensures-as with all programs-equal opportunity for all children identified as gifted to receive any or all services offered by the district. Procedures are also in place for withdrawing students from gifted services and for resolving disputes with regard to identification and placement decisions.
Anyone wishing to refer a student may complete a Gifted Referral Form and return it to the building counselor.
Gifted Services: At the elementary level, we use a model called “cluster grouping” in the regular classroom. Several gifted students are placed with one teacher for instruction and receive a differentiated curriculum for much of the day. One day a week, a Gifted Instructional Specialist works with these students during their Intervention or Brain Boost time. The special curricular focus is on critical thinking, problem-solving, creative thinking and affective needs. The Middle School offers a Language Arts/Reading class; targeted for gifted and above-average learners. The Gifted Instructional Specialist works collaboratively with the classroom teacher designing lessons/units differentiating instruction for high ability students. The Gifted Instructional Specialist works directly in the classroom one day a week with the students and the teacher. The High School offers several options designed for accelerated and advanced students. A sample of offerings is Advanced Placement classes, Honors level classes, Dual Credit, and Post-Secondary Enrollment Options. For specific information, please contact the high school directly. Other options for Gifted Learners include, but are not limited to:
Early Entrance to kindergarten may be requested when a child turns age five after a district’s kindergarten entrance date (August 1/Sept. 30) but during the school year for which admittance is requested. The Ohio Department of Education recommends that districts follow their Academic Acceleration Policy for Advanced Learners in making decisions about early admission. For more information, see the Ohio Gifted Education Early Entrance Guide
Grade Acceleration -- Sometimes referred to as "grade-skipping," grade acceleration involves moving a student into a higher-grade classroom. The accelerated student then participates in all the same activities and studies all the same subjects as his or her classmates, even though there is an age difference. This option works well for students who are advanced over their age-peers across all subjects.
Subject-Matter Acceleration -- Students also can be accelerated in one or more subjects to provide an intellectual challenge in areas where they are particularly advanced. This option is particularly useful for children who have advanced abilities in specific areas, as might be the case with a math prodigy who is slightly above average in verbal skills.
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